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The WorkStudio, an advanced online social learning platform, open to children between ages eight (8) and fifteen (15) years. The platform enables members to access personalised Work/Learning environments, interact with other Coders, collaborate on group tasks, share resources with member Coders and access active Learning projects 24/7. WorkStudio account ownership is STRICTLY by Club membership. 


WorkStudio provides categorised learning systems such as ResearchLab, ScrapBoard, CodeLab, TimeCode, VocBank, NumBox, SnapShots, Messages, AddressBook, MusicLab and a lot more besides with support from friendly online facilitators.

Saturday on premise CODERS meeting sessions are filled with creativities, adventures and interactions. Members engage in fun and logical learning programmes, including board games such as Chess, Scrabble, Puzzles, Japanese Sudoku, and Rubik's Cube. 

Join the J100CODERS Club to have a WorkStudio account today, to connect with friends, collabrate on projects, explore endless possibilities, learn to code, share the fun and learn how to solve real life problems.



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Facilitator Community
Guest InfoStudio