What is a block level element?
What does it mean when tags or attributes are said to be deprecated?
Title, meta and link elements are all located inside what element?
One of the following statements is correct. Which one is it?
What is the correct HTML for creating a hyperlink?
Which of the following will display a password field in a form?
The attribute used to choose the type of font in HTML is ?
What is the correct tag for the smallest heading?
What is the correct HTML for making a checkbox?
What is the <td></td> element?
HTML has a set of rules under which it operates. What is it called?
Who is making the Web standards?
What is the proper syntax of a form submit button?
Which tag will produce HTML Quiz in this picture?
How do you add a comment into HTML?
Which of these tags are all <table> tags?
Which of the following examples shows correctly nested HTML elements?
<h1> and <h3> are examples of what?
Should HTML be used to design and style a website?
Between which tags does most of the contents needs to be placed?