What is the <hr> tag used for?
Which of the following examples shows correctly nested HTML elements?
What tag is used to create an unordered list?
Title, meta and link elements are all located inside what element?
What is the correct format for inserting an image?
The attribute used to choose the type of font in HTML is ?
<h1> and <h3> are examples of what?
Which character entity would you use to display extra spaces on a webpage?
Which tag will produce HTML Quiz in this picture?
What is the correct HTML for making a text area?
One of the following statements is correct. Which one is it?
What is the preferred way for adding a background color in HTML?
Between which tags does most of the contents needs to be placed?
Why are hidden form fields useful?
What is the correct format for creating an HTML text link?
What is a block level element?
To add rows to your tables use which tags?
What is cell padding?
What does HTML stand for?
What will be the output of this code?
<!-- display some text-->
<h1>Here is a heading</h1>